Discover Grace If you are new to Grace and looking to get connected, then Discover Grace is for you. It's a fun, low-key time that provides you and your family with an easy way to check out Grace and discover a place to WORSHIP, to CONNECT and grow in your spiritual journey and as well as explore ways to SERVE and REACH in your community. It's the perfect next step to learn about Grace!
Get Connected As God stirs your heart with gratitude for His love, we invite you to respond by carrying out what Christ calls us to do.
Adult Sunday School Sunday School classes are a great place to learn more, meet people, and make connections. Please visit any of the classes, and if the class you visit isn’t the right fit, feel free to try another class. We are sure there is a place for everyone!
Watch Last Week's Service Click here to view last week's worship service including our worship and teaching!
Displaying God's Grace Through Serving Use your talents and skills to serve the church, the community, and the world! Click here for more information.
Heartbeat Ministry Reflecting God’s heart for the fatherless, supporting families who care for orphans, and advocating for children in need.
Special Needs Ministry At Grace, we cherish our special needs adults and children as God’s gifts to our congregation. They are indispensable members of the Grace family. We would love for your special needs family member to join us as well.