Displaying God's Grace Through Serving

Someone once said that serving is “humble, loving action for brother and neighbor, enabled by God, flowing from love for God, and following the example of Jesus.”

God tells us that we are “created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:10). Every person is important in the Body of Christ—including the weaker members—“the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable” (1 Corinthians 12:22). We serve “with the strength that God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 4:11). As each part of the Body of Christ serves at Grace, we not only care for each other, but we display “God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10) to the community and world.

We would love for you to help us display God’s grace by serving in one of our varied ministry opportunities. Click a button below to find out more.

Use your God-given gifts and passions to bless our church family.

Represent Christ in our community by partnering with one of our local urban, mercy, or evangelistic ministries.

Help us take the gospel to the world through one of our national or international outreach ministries.