Women of Grace

Welcome to Women's Ministry at Grace Presbyterian Church! We are thrilled you stopped by our page!

Our goal is to create a space where each woman feels welcomed and cared for. Whether you need a soft place to land, or you're ready for an in-depth Bible study, or something in-between, we hope you'll find what you need for the season of life you're in.

We offer weekly Bible studies, support groups, and special events. Please feel free to reach out to me, Brenda Garrison, with any questions or comments.

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    Women's Winter Conference
    February 21, 22, 2025

    As women, it seems everyone depends on us—family, friends, work, ministry. And, yet in addition to our daily responsibilities, we will inevitably face hard seasons—times of loss, grieving, poor health, financial stress, difficult relationships, etc. These seasons drain every area of our lives. We are tired and overwhelmed, yet we need to keep going and show up for those who need us. How do we give when we feel like we have a hole in our tank and have nothing left to offer?

    Join us for the Women’s Winter Conference in February as author and speaker, Jenilyn Swett (MDiv), gives us help, hope, and practical instruction through God’s Word—embracing His truth and focusing on Jesus’ example.

    Friday night will feature session one from 6-9 p.m., followed by a Girls’ Fun Night featuring crafts, games, snacks, and lots of chatting from 9-11 p.m.

    Saturday will feature sessions two and three, plus your choice of topical workshops from 8:30a.m.-2:45 p.m.



    Cost: $40 (includes Friday and Saturday snacks and Saturday lunch)

    Fun Night will take place immediately following the Friday evening session. We will have lots of fun activities or stay to just hang out and eat! The snacks will be amazing!

    You may choose one of the workshops and enjoy a sit-down lunch, or you may grab a box lunch and choose two workshops (conflict resolution, mental health check-in, and the panel discussion offered during the lunch hour).

    Workshop Options:

    1. Singleness - Jenilyn Swett
        "Singleness is not a problem or a waiting period—it's a place where many of us live, and it offers unique blessings, challenges, and opportunities. Jenilyn turns to Scripture to show how our identity in Christ, paired with a robust theology of singleness, gives us a vision for the single life, no matter how short or long it may be."*

    2. Conflict Resolution - Raquel Dagit
        Have you ever had a difficult conversation and it went poorly? Or worse yet, it never happened at all and the issue was swept under the rug, leaving a lack of peace and opportunity for reconciliation? The Bible has much to say on the importance of unity within the body of Christ and how to address conflict. In this session, we will dive into God’s desire for unity in the church, evaluating your heart in a difficult situation, processing in a healthy way, and practical ways to prepare for a crucial conversation in order to address conflict.

    3. How Do We Look to Jesus? - Jess Zobac
        In this session, you will hear from a panel of women on how the Lord has sustained them throughout various seasons of life–whether meeting them directly or working through others. You'll receive inspiration and practical tips on how to build better community and strengthen your faith in seasons of both joy and sorrow.

    Panel members: Normi Howard, Miranda Meiss, Diane McIntyre, Sheffey Rogers, and Rachel Watson

    4. How to Do an Emotional/Mental Health Self-Check - Beth Vanne
        It's pretty easy to see how quickly life can get away from us, and if you're anything like me, one of the first things to go by the wayside is caring for my mental health! Being mindful of how we are doing can help manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and help us live out our calling to run this race of endurance. You are warmly invited to join us for an interactive and practical time of learning how to check our emotional dashboards.


    *from back cover copy of Singleness

    Jenilyn Swett (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary) serves as the director of adult ministries at Restoration Community Church (PCA) in St. Louis. She is a daughter of God who is passionate about hospitality, spiritual formation, and creating space to help others know God and themselves better. She also tends to think that all of these things can be best accomplished when good food, good music, a whiteboard, and fresh flowers are involved. Visit Jenilyn’s blog, Carefully Chosen, for more of her writing.


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    Women's Study
    Front Porch (Room 116)

    Life Under the Sun
    Nancy Frantz - Women's Topical Bible Study
    Front Porch Room (116)

    Nancy Frantz will lead an 8-week study on the wisdom of Ecclesiastes called with a book called Life Under the Sun. We will search for a solid foundation for life under the sun. We will learn to name our anxieties, concerns, and disappointments which then frees us to turn to Jesus to guide us.

    Register for Women's Study


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    Tuesday Bible Studies
    Growth and Connection

    Tuesday mornings at Grace Pres are a fun time of studying God’s Word while growing in relationship with other women—fancy wording for making friends! The Spring 2025 session begins January 7 and runs through April 29 (Brunch), with a break on April 15 for Holy Week.

    Studies will run Tuesdays 9:30–11:30 a.m.

    A children’s program is available during our studies:

    • Nursery care
    • Preschool program which includes: Bible lesson, craft, snack, and activities

    Groups offered Spring 2025

    Chapel Bible Study | Normi Howard

    Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin

    Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as the very last one. The Book of Revelation overflows with images and ideas that confound our modern ears. But if all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Why don’t we see it that way?

    Two thousand years ago, John’s Revelation was circulated and read aloud among seven churches in Asia Minor. Those who heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. The same can be true for you today. Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible—the culmination of God's great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

    $25 book fee

    Rooted Women Bible-Only Bible Study | Jorie Dahlin

    The Gospel of Luke

    Luke was a doctor, a Gentile, and a companion of Paul. He was an acute observer, prone to understatement, and preferred to stay out of the spotlight. Luke wanted to strengthen the faith of his friend Theophilus, so he decided to write an “orderly account” of the life of Jesus. We are abundantly blessed to have this orderly account in our Bibles as the book of Luke. Please join us this fall, as our friend, Doctor Luke, leads us to know and love Jesus more deeply and confidently.

    Quilters & More | Pat Ivaska

    With a passion for quilting, this sweet group of women meet for a devotional, share prayer requests, enjoy showing their quilting, and participate in a demonstration or a workday. All women are welcome. If you love to quilt or want to learn, this group of godly women is for you.

    Elementary Moms | Rachel Escher

    Made for People by Justin Whitmel Earley

    “Discover the art of fostering life-giving, life-long friendships and the individual habits that make them possible.

    In Made for People—by bestselling author of The Habits of the Household—Justin Whitmel Earley explains why God made us to experience deep friendship and how we can cultivate them despite a culture of busyness, disconnection, and fear of vulnerability.

    Isolation may be the norm of modern life, but it doesn’t have to be the story of yours, and it isn’t what you were made for. In fact, you were made to be among people who know you fully and love you anyway.

    Leave behind loneliness and build the life of deep connection you long for.”*

    *from back cover copy of Made for People.

    $11 book fee

    Side-by-Side | Emily Oliver and Hannah Dennison

    MomCore by Karen Stubbs with Birds on a Wire

    Moms play many roles. They have to be experts in just about everything. It's a lot of pressure. Join Karen for a six-week adventure that will cover the basic principles of motherhood. This study will inspire you as a mom and encourage you like never before. Dive into these topics:

    • Purpose - Learn what is a mom’s purpose in life.
    • Boundaries - Learn how to set boundaries with your children, family, and friends.
    • Time Management - Learn how to balance the tug and pull of your time.
    • Become a student of your child - Learn how to connect with each of your individual children on an intimate level.
    • Discipline - Learn why discipline is so important in the life of a child and regain control of your home.
    • Contentment - Learn how to find contentment even when you don’t love the circumstances of your life.

    They will also be studying the book of Philippians.

    MoCo Bible Study | Jessica Nelson

    Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler

    If there’s one thing moms love, it’s a formula.
    But we all know motherhood isn’t that simple. Each decision seems to present a thousand overwhelming options, or our circumstances suddenly change and we can’t keep up with “the plan,” or we see another mom making different choices and begin to doubt our own.

    All of this leaves us questioning our decision-making in motherhood.

    So how can we find a secure identity in motherhood and know we’re “good” before the throne of God? By understanding the gospel story and how all of scripture applies to our lives. We need more than just to know what to do.
    We need to know who to be.

    Join Emily and Laura as together you explore what it truly means to be a gospel mom, a woman who is renewed by Christ’s righteousness, knows her mission and purpose, and lives free from guilt and unhealthy comparison.*

    They will also be studying the Book of James.

    *adapted from back cover copy of Gospel Mom.

    $14 book fee

    TBS Spring 2025 Registration

    Child Registration

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    Spanish Women's Bible Study
    Room 161 (Jr. High Room)

    Diana Torres Cole
    Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

    We are Spanish-speaking ladies who gather together to study the Bible and pray. This semester, we will continue discussing Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s book, Lies Women Believe.

    Register for Women's Study


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    Mom Collective

    Mom Collective is a community where you can come as you are, be known, supported, and encouraged, as we adventure together through the little years of motherhood. For more information about our meetings and events click here, or send us an email!

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    Monday Morning Prayer
    We meet weekly to pray together

    All women are invited to attend a weekly time of prayer for our church, our nation, our missionaries, and our own personal requests. We begin each week with a devotional or a sharing time by a missionary. Then we divide into groups and spend time in prayer.

    For more information contact Mary Jane Crowell at (309) 674-5313.

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    Moms in Prayer
    Praying for our children

    Moms In Prayer is an international group whose vision is that “every school in the world would be covered with prayer.” MIP helps moms (and grandmothers) in their local schools to pray for the children, teachers, staff, administration, and school board. They meet for one hour a week.

    You may contact Elizabeth Parker for more information about an existing group or to start one for your school.

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    Life-on-Life Missional Discipleship

    MATTHEW 28:18-20

    And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

    Click Here for More Information