Intergenerational Classes

Questions? Ask Pastor Wes!
Adult Sunday School
Sunday School classes are a great place to learn more, meet people, and make connections. Please visit any of the classes, and if the class you visit isn’t the right fit, feel free to try another class. We are sure there is a place for everyone! If you want help deciding on a class, please email Pastor Greg or call him at (309) 589-6413.
Questions? Ask Pastor Wes!
+ + Generations of Grace
Room 015-3 (Lower Level)
Ages: Intergenerational Families
Leader: Bryant Morris
Current Topic: Through the BibleThis Sunday School class is going through the Bible in three years. Family devotionals that align with the lessons taught are provided. This class focuses on family discipleship by:
- Teaching the Bible in a way that engages both parents and children;
- Equipping parents to be the primary spiritual leaders in their homes; and
- Encouraging families to live out their faith daily through prayer, worship, and service.
We welcome others who desire to support and walk alongside families in this journey of faith. We believe the high-energy nature of a room full of kids and parents is worth the necessary flexibility and distracted moments.
+ Compass
Room 020 (Lower Level)
Ages: Multigenerational Adults
Leader: Dustin Schumacher
Current Topic: PhilippiansWhether you are married, single, have children in the home, empty nesters, with or without grandkids, there is someone like you in Compass. Compass class seeks to study God’s Word faithfully, with a highly interactive teaching style, and practice the "one-anothers" in community.
+ Classes by Life Stage
+ College
Rooms 015-1 and 015-2 (Lower Level)
Ages: College
Leader: John Cherne, Nate Holt, and guests
Current Topic: JoshuaThis class includes local college students and out-of-towners whenever they’re in town.
+ Young Adults
Room 017 (Lower Level)
Ages: Post-college Through Early 20s
Leader: Pastor John Cherne, Elder Brian Livingston, and guests
Current Topic: Sermon on the MountWe are currently studying a deep dive through the longest teaching of Jesus through the Sermon on the Mount.
+ Rooted
Library (Main Level)
Ages: Late 20s Through Early 30s
Leader: Pastor John Cherne, Elder David Schudel, Matthew Fletcher, and Brad Zehr
Current Topic: GalatiansThis class is composed of both married and singles, as they establish roots in Peoria and in Christian community. Following our study of the covenants of Scripture, Rooted will be studying verse-by-verse through the epistle of Galatians.
+ Living Stones
Room 116 - Front Porch (Main Level)
Ages: Young Families and Friends
Leader: Matt Escher, Vince Caliendo, and Bill McIntyre
Current Topic: Holiness by GraceAs the apostle Peter says Christians are “like living stones being built up as a spiritual house”, we seek to build our lives together in a strong bond of community. Having a small church atmosphere within our larger church we seek to be a place to be recognized, have authentic relationships, and to be challenged in growing spiritually together.
+ Foundations 1 & 2
Foundations 1
Room 011 (Lower Level)
Ages: Middle Adult Parents
Leader: Dan Hunt and Derek TanisCurrent Topic: Ecclesiastes
We are a group of young families who strive to build strong family foundations rooted in Christ. We do this by meeting and sharing life together on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Our desire is to develop authentic community among each other and anyone looking for a place to connect.Foundations 2
Room 006 (Lower Level)
Ages: Middle Adult Parents
Leader: Lee Gerrietts and Brett Steffen
Current Topic: Impossible Christianity by Kevin DeYoung
We are a group of young families who strive to build strong family foundations rooted in Christ. We do this by meeting and sharing life together on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Our desire is to develop authentic community among each other and anyone looking for a place to connect.+ Families for Christ
Room 158 - Gym (Main Level; Cafe end)
Ages: Parents of Students
Leader: Otis Burge and Terry Spuler
Current Topic: VariousThis class is composed mostly of married couples with growing families and children from grade school to college. We study, socialize, share, and invest in one another’s lives. Our focus is on growing in Christ and strengthening marriages and families.
+ Cornerstone
Room 009 (Lower Level)
Ages: 50+
Leaders: John Blahnik, Steve Ulm, and Greg Bonomo
Current Topic: Various
This is a Christ-centered class that emphasizes biblical teaching with a focus on providing a strong community in order to strengthen our spiritual lives, relationships, and overall walk with Christ.+ Growing in Grace
Room 021 (Lower Level)
Ages: 55+
Leader: Dave Anderson and Steve White
Current Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
This adult class studies the Bible together with lively discussions. Discover how God’s Word still speaks to us with clarity, authenticity, and power while meeting our needs for time and eternity.+ Solid Rock
Room 145 (Main Level)
Ages: 55+
Leaders: Frank & Normi Howard, Joel Feucht
Current Topic: 1 Thessalonians
This is an adult Bible study-oriented class that welcomes all. Our teachers use a combination of lecture and class participation to teach Scriptural lessons applicable to each of our lives.+ Grace Connections
Room 132 - Church Lounge (Main Level)
Ages: 55+
Leader: Tom Allen and Woody Hartwell
Current Topic: Galatians
We seek to encourage and energize people through in-depth Bible study, open discussion of a study book, supportive relationships, prayer, and praise. This time also includes a topical-oriented study or discussion of current issues. We uphold each other in prayer and provide encouragement when needed.+ Christ First
Room 158 - Gym (Main Level; Kitchen end)
Ages: 65+
Leader: Gary Chiaravalle & Ron Crowell
Current Topic: Examining What the Various NT and OT Scriptures Say about Things to Come
The study of this rich Old Testament book deals with the sinful nation of Judah and God’s judgment - a demonstration of His infinite love by providing a message of Good News with the promise of a Savior. This study will dig deeply into God’s Word and message of salvation.+ 1 John 1:3
Room 146 - Chapel (Main Level)
Ages: 65+
Leader: Steve Siepel
Current Topic: Luke
“That which we have seen and heard we declare to you...” This class has its goal set firmly on God’s Word where joyful interaction with Scripture and each other flourish. We are an older class that enjoys fellowship and studying Scripture; we offer a warm conversational interaction with an open Bible.+ LIFE
Room 010 (Lower Level)
Ages: 65+
Leader: Bob Hefner and Phil Schumm
Current Topic: 1 & 2 Peter
This class encourages everyone to participate in the discussion. The primary topics of study are books of the Bible with excursions into specific biblical concepts. We also discuss current events and societal topics in the light of biblical teaching and prophecy.+ Special Education
Room 172 - Adult Special Ed. (Main Level)
Ages: Special needs adults
Leaders: Russ and Robin Fahlberg
Current Topic: The Lives of Saul and Paul
This class is designed to provide a spiritual community for adults with special needs. The class includes Bible teaching, singing, crafts, small group interaction, and a snack.