Reach The World

The Bible says we should share the message of God’s great grace to those in our home town, across our country, and around the world. At Grace, we support dozens of missionaries serving in far off lands as well as others serving here in the United States. In addition to supporting these wonderful servants of God with our prayers and financial resources, we plan a number of overseas missions trips for all ages.

The most important thing to know is that YOU can be a part of this miraculous outreach. Here are just a few ways to connect in world wide missions:

  • Be a part of a short-term missions trip yourself!
  • Volunteer to help with events like the Global Impact Celebration.
  • Support our missionaries by giving above and beyond your tithe with funds earmarked for missions.
  • Encourage our missionaries with emails, personal notes, or even a video chat.
  • Spend time learning about our missionaries by scrolling through the different missionaries and organizations listed below, or by visiting the hallway near the front entrance.

If you have questions or would like to volunteer or support world missions, please fill out this form.

←Other opportunities to serve

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    Elifelet “Kiké” & Brittany Astorga
    Campus Outreach SERVE

    Kiké is the Campus Director for Campus Outreach SERVE, working on the ITESO University campus in Guadalajara, Mexico. The team works to build relationships with students with the desire to share the gospel with them and disciple them. They also desire to enfold them into the local church and to develop them as future leaders. 

    Please pray:

    • Pray for continued good health for Brittany. We praise God for her miraculous recovery from surgery earlier this year.
    • For the salvation of students, specifically 20 students with whom they are meeting.
    • That God will raise up more laborers for His glory on their campus.
    • For their children Chloe, Clark, Barry, and Bruce.
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    Eli & Marcia Beltran
    Heart of Illinois Youth for Christ

    Eli is the Ambassador for Youth for Heart of Illinois Youth for Christ. His focus is on pastor and church relations, mentoring and resourcing the local staff, and donor relations. He is also available to partner with YFCI/Americas, representing Heart of Illinois YFC in Latin America whenever needed.

    Please pray:

    • For continued development and growth of YFC in Central Illinois.
    • For YFC/Puerto Rico, which was recently established and is growing.
    • For physical strength and health for Eli and Marcia.
    • For the local YFC staff in Central Illinois as they reach out to young people with the gospel of Christ.
    • For their children Marc (Lauren), Elicia (Landrian), Marielli (Joel), and four grandchildren.
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    Abram & Becca Bicksler

    Abram is the President/CEO of ECHO, a global Christian organization which provides agricultural resources, skills, and seeds to reduce hunger. His responsibilities include managing and empowering the global staff of 100+, overseeing the fundraising and development of ECHO’s four global offices, seed banks, training events and conferences, internship program, research, and networking with their 19,000 global partners.

    Please pray:

    • That the Lord would bless the global holistic work of ECHO and expand its capacities to be a blessing to the 500 million smallholder farms around the world.
    • That the ECHO network would empower Christian workers to bring the gospel and bless the poor spiritually and physically.
    • That the work of their hands, hearts, and minds would glorify God and strengthen His church.
    • For Eliana and Benjamin, who will attend a new school this year. The Bickslers relocated to Denver to be more strategically located for ECHO and the family.
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    Mark & Joanna Bodlien
    Word of Life Fellowship

    Mark is the Camp Director at the Word of Life Ranch & Ridge Camps in upstate New York. Throughout the year, he travels and connects with youth ministry leaders, recruiting summer staff, and working with the camp interns in New York. In the winter, Mark will lead four weekends of Word of Life Intersect camp in Ohio and New Hampshire.

    Please pray:

    • Praise God for the 2,143 campers that attend this summer! Pray that He would continue to work in their hearts and for the campers who will attend next summer.
    • For the Bodlien family as they start their third year in their new roles with Word of Life Fellowship.
    • For the homeschooling of their girls Bekah, Nicole, Abi, and Ellie.
    • For personal growth and close friendships.
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    Jim & Kathy Boerckel
    Commission to Every Nation

    Jim and Kathy serve in western Michigan among refugees, immigrants, and international students from many different nations. Their strategic goal is to make disciplies for Christ and equip and encourage the local Christians for cross-cultural outreach. Through service, outreach, and hospitality opportunities, they develop personal relationships and share the love and gospel of Christ in word and action.

    Please pray:

    • For Jim’s struggle with cancer and for Kathy as she cares for him.
    • For believers’ involvement in cross-cultural outreach.
    • For their children Aaron, Micah (Jessica), Weston (Emily), Samuel (Haley), and nine grandchildren.
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    Micah & Jessica Boerckel

    Micah and Jess work to reach the unreached and unengaged people. They hope to be part of seeing churches begin and multiply in the dark area of the world where they serve.

    Please pray:

    •  For motivation, joy, and good fruit in learning Hindi.
    • For all the unreached/unengaged people groups without churches.
    • For their children Lucy, Moses, Lisette, Olive, Swede, and Zion.
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    Mark & Deb Borland
    Wycliffe Ministry Center

    Mark is a Partnership Development Coach and technology consultant. Deb has a new role as Senior Director of Staff Vitality. Together they enjoy training, leading and encouraging Wycliffe colleagues who are working all over the world.

    Please pray:

    • For the work of Bible translation and the transformation of lives.
    • For Mark and Deb as they use their gifts within the organization.
    • For wisdom for Deb as she has a broader reach with multiple teams in the organization.
    • For good connections as their family will be spread from Florida to Georgia to Arizona.
    • For their children Brad (Janet), Shayna (Ryan), Brett (Emily), and seven
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    Norman & Gwen Bowman
    Global Outreach International

    Norman and Gwen mentor leaders who plant churches, start youth ministries, and lead restoration ministries through prayer initiatives across the Spanish-speaking world. They reach out to the poor of their community and regularly care for immigrants of other faiths. Their gifting, calling, and passion is to communicate the gospel effectively to the multicultural peoples of Spain, Europe, and the world. 

    Please pray:

    • For their online mentoring ministry with key Spanish young adult Christian leaders.
    • For their financial support needs.
    • For spiritual discernment, physical strength, and good health for the pressing demands of their prayer mentoring ministry.
    • For their health. For Gwen, that the cancer medication will be effective and side effects minimal. She was diagnosed with lung cancer in the spring of 2024. For Norman after skin cancer surgery with complications and also a torn hamstring.
    • For their children Carl (Patti), Natasha (Roberto), Nathaniel (Jennifer),
      Benjamin (Kristin), and fourteen grandchildren.
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    Ethan & Amanda Brown
    Reformed University Fellowship

    Ethan is a pastor serving the University of Illinois with RUF, the PCA’s denominational campus ministry. Following college graduation, he served as an RUF intern at Duke University. In 2018, the Browns moved to Charlotte, NC, where Ethan attended Reformed Theological Seminary. In 2021, the Browns moved to Champaign-Urbana to start a new chapter of RUF at the University of Illinois. Ethan loves getting to know students and helping them get to know King Jesus.

    Please Pray:

    • That RUF would increasingly come to be known as “a community that prays.”
    • That their outreach efforts would be effective, and that many new students would plug into RUF so that they would be equipped for a lifetime of following Jesus and serving the Church.
    • That God would send out RUF students in the future to be faithful workers in God’s harvest (as pastors, missionaries, counselors, teachers, mothers, fathers, and leaders in whatever field God calls them to enter).
    • For their children Judah, Ellis, and Ezra.
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    Brian & Karen Cordes
    Child Evangelism Fellowship — Camp Good News

    Brian is working with CEF Camp Good News as the camp’s Facilities Manager. He is part of the full-time missionary staff that welcomes summer campers and year-round retreat groups to enjoy meeting their Creator in a natural setting. Over the years hundreds of kids have found Jesus as their Savior and grown in Him through the ministry of Camp Good News.

    Please pray:

    • For the children who attended camp, that their hearts and lives would continue to remember and live out the gospel messages they heard this summer.
    • For rest, endurance, and health for the Camp Director and for Brian as they shift to retreats and repairs after the busy, long hours of summer ministry.
    • For needed finances as they work to repair and improve the camp facilities.
    • For strength, healing, life/family balance, and spiritual growth.
    • For their children Zach (Jordan), Janelle (Wes), Brad, and three grandchildren.
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    Josh & Alissa Crooks
    Teach Beyond

    Josh and Alissa have been serving at Black Forest Academy in Germany for eight years. During that time, the Lord has enabled them to produce many videos and podcasts for the school, in addition to having direct input into the spiritual development of the students. But they sense that God is now calling them to another ministry location. So, during their home assignment, they are taking this school year to reflect, rest, regroup, and relaunch into the next phase of ministry.

    Please pray:

    • For their hearts and eyes to be open and attentive as the Lord reveals His plan for them.
    • For them and their children Judah (9), Jabez (6), and Jenevieve (3), as they have had to say goodbye to their many close friends in Germany and are now in a period of transition.
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    Mark & Kris Crooks
    The Evangelical Alliance Mission

    Mark and Kris have been living in Kandern, Germany, where they served as the Regional Member Care Coordinators for about 60 TEAM missionaries that work in 7 countries of Western Europe. But now that their son Sam has been graduated from the Black Forest Academy, and their landlord is selling their house, and the taxes in Germany are very high, the Lord has led them to relocate. So, after a six-month home assignment, they will be moving to Madrid, Spain, where they will continue to serve as the Regional Member Care Coordinators for all of TEAM workers in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Czech, Hungary, and Ukraine.

    Please pray:

    • For Sam, as he transitions to life in the U.S. and for a job during the year.
    • For Ben, who lost his job because his position was eliminated.
    • For finances to cover the German income taxes and moving expenses.
    • For their children Anna (Ben), Josh (Alissa), Beka (Trent), Ben, Sam, and ten grandchildren.
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    Mel & Amy Ellenwood
    Josiah Venture

    Josiah Venture’s mission is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church in Central and Eastern Europe.  Mel serves as Executive Vice President of Josiah Venture. He and Amy work alongside over 300 leaders in 16 Central and Eastern European countries to shepherd, train, and give direction as this movement continues to grow. 

    Please pray:

    • That they endure. This has been a challenging year for their team as they respond to the crisis in Ukraine, along with the increasing impact of the war on youth in Europe.
    • For wisdom for Mel as he shepherds the leaders of JV’s ministries.
    • For Amy as she leads a ministry to the women of JV.
    • Pray that they would embody Romans 15:5, that the God who gives “endurance and encouragement would give them a spirit of unity as they follow Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth they may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
    • For their children Hannah (Joseph), Hayley (Austin), Noah (Jill), and two grandchildren, Hazel and Walter.
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    Noah & Jill Ellenwood
    Josiah Venture

    Josiah Venture’s mission is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church in Central and Eastern Europe. Noah and Jill serve in Podgorica, Montenegro, a country with only five registered Protestant or Evangelical Christian churches, and fewer than 150 national believers in Jesus. They engage in full-time contact ministry, street evangelism, language learning, and relationship building with local churches. 

    Please pray:

    • Praise God for young students who are choosing to put their faith in Christ. Noah 
      and Jill love witnessing His work in these young people’s lives.
    • For their local church and youth group, that they would be able to see opportunities that God is giving them to reach out to unbelievers in Podgorica.
    • That God would continue to open doors for sharing the gospel.
    • For Jill’s health during the last few weeks of her pregnancy, for the health and safe delivery of their baby, and for the entire family as they adjust to being a family of four.
    • For their daughter Hazel.
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    Phil & Tracy Ennis
    OMF International

    The Ennis family lives in Virginia, and they “preach the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph 3:8) among a Central Asian unreached people group.  They do this through many activities including: their daughter learning their traditional dance and taking piano lessons from a Central Asian woman; Phil selling camel milk and saffron, preaching at a small Asian fellowship quarterly, and writing articles on gospel reconciliation; attending Central Asian holiday events and gatherings, building friendships, discipling believers, networking, hosting dinners, and helping with practical needs. 

    Please pray:

    • For many of their friends who have had a lot of seeds planted but still have yet to see the fullness of the gospel and trust in Jesus.
    • For the few Central Asian believers to grow strong and bold in their faith in Jesus.
    • For the gospel to transform marriages, families, and the community into a place of grace, peace, and hope.
    • For continued financial provision in a very expensive part of the U.S.
    • For their children Bridgette and Collin as they continue to be homeschooled.
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    Paul & Nanci Erkert
    Wycliffe Bible Translators

    After spending twenty-two years in Cameroon, Central Africa, Paul and Nanci now serve at the Wycliffe-JAARS Center in Waxhaw, NC. Paul works with the International Media dept, producing audio and video Scriptures and dubbing the Jesus Film into indigenous languages from all over the world. Nanci works in Wycliffe’s counseling ministry and also supervises counseling interns who work with Changed Choices, a re-entry program for incarcerated women.  

    Please pray:

    • For Paul and his team to be unified and accurate – “rightly handling the Word of 
      God” – as they work on the BSP templates. Pray that the app would introduce 
      many people to the one true God.
    • For wisdom for Nanci as she counsels fellow missionaries and supervises counseling interns.
    • For them to grandparent well, helping Luca and Zeb to know and love Jesus.
    • For their children Alexis (Ben), Karen (Abe), and two grandsons.
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    Katrina Forseth
    Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois

    Dr. Katrina is the State Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois. Her responsibilities include the supervision of all CEF staff, six local chapter committees, Camp Good News, and the volunteers who make the ministry to children possible. She is also involved in pioneering new areas in Illinois and helping to establish additional CEF local chapters.

    Please pray:

    • For Katrina and the CEF of Illinois State Board as they work on a master strategic plan to grow the ministry of CEF.
    • For the “3 B’s”: Build our Boards, Build our Staff, and Build Church Partnerships.
    • For Katrina’s weekly radio program on WPEO, Telling Future Generations.
    • For her husband Kermit and their two children. Caleb is a sophomore at Taylor University and Samuel is a sophomore at Peoria Christian School.
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    Nate & Roxy Frantz
    Campus Outreach SERVE

    After doing college ministry with Campus Outreach for twelve years, the Frantzes moved to Athens, Greece, with Campus Outreach SERVE in 2023. Their vision is to see God transform Athens from heartless religious practices into a people who deeply love Jesus and walk with Christ in every area of their lives and relationships. They hope the next generation of young people will rise to bring about this change and that one day, people in Greece will not look to better economic times for their hope, but rather to Christ. The impact of one life in a culture with such deep generational relationships can have a dramatic effect in all of Greece.

    Please Pray:

    • For one more year of language school ahead.
    • For the kids’ continual adjustment to the upcoming public school year.
    • Roxy’s health. She is still far from 100%.
    • For wisdom and discernment regarding starting a campus outreach in Greece that is larger than just the Frantzes. They feel it would be beneficial to have more campus staff in Athens, but having an English-speaking, American college ministry has its challenges for the Greek church and long-term sustainability.
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    Pablo & Rosa Gallego
    Partners in Evangelism International

    Since 2015, the Gallegos have dedicated themselves to the ministry of planting a new church in the north central part of Malaga, Spain, where there are no evangelical churches. In September 2021, they opened a church and for the moment, they meet in the hall of a hostel. The Word, prayer, and fellowship are priorities in their church life, showing God’s love and trying to be salt and light in their community.

    Please Pray:

    • That more friends and contacts receive the gospel and Christ personally.
    • That more people join the church.
    • That they can find a suitable place to meet and that the church continues to grow and serve the community.
    • For their children, Yoel and Lidia.
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    Jamie & Jackie Gildard
    Mission to the World (PCA)

    The Gildards are part of a church-planting team in the growing aerospace technology corridor west of Toulouse, France. They are building relationships, sharing the good news of Christ, and encouraging evangelism and leadership among French Christians. There is searching among the French, and a void in their hearts that only Christ can fill.

    Please pray:

    • For Jamie’s work in helping to train future leaders in their church.
    • For Jamie and Jacki’s evangelism work with friends, neighbors, and contacts.
    • Very few people in France have any idea of what the Gospel is.
    • For their children Rebecca, Jimmy (Paxton), Owen (Karen), and Angelle.
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    Avery Gutwein

    Avery is passionate about sharing Jesus with others and ending sexual exploitation. She joined the ReachGlobal Berlin, Germany, City Team in the fall of 2022. While in Berlin, Avery is learning the beautiful German language and supporting local anti-forced prostitution ministries. She is also part of a German-led church plant in her cute neighborhood of Berlin.

    Please pray:

    • For wisdom, favor, and unity for her church planting team.
    • For women in forced prostitution and specifically the ones they are reaching out to in their online outreach. Please pray for hope, healing, and freedom (spiritual and physical) for them.
    • For blessing, wisdom, and needed resources (monetary, staff, etc.) for the anti-forced prostitution ministries in Berlin.
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    Mark & Karen Heintzman
    The Navigators

    Mark and Karen train, coach, and mentor Regional Directors and Campus Directors who are ministering with The Navigators on college campuses across the United States. Mark and Karen’s central focus is to help these key leaders sharpen their skills to raise up men and women who love Jesus – Christ-followers who are living out their faith on campus, in the workplace, in the church, and on the mission field. 

    Please pray:

    • For wisdom and discernment to coach and shepherd the staff well.
    • For strong teams of interns at key campuses across the country.
    • For fruitful collaboration with their partners in Hungary, Mexico, and England.
    • For Mark, Karen, and their family to be filled with all hope, peace, and joy as 
      they serve God.
    • For their children Benjamin, Maggie, Callie, and Luke.
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    Luke & Jenny Herrin
    Africa Inland Mission

    Luke is the International Director of AIM. Important aspects of his job include vision casting, leading the leaders, and coordination of the mobilizing (recruiting) and receiving (field) offices. Jenny posts the daily updates for AIM’s unreached people groups to the PrayAfrica website and does admin.  You are invited to subscribe and pray for Africa’s UPGs at 

    Please pray:

    • For strength and grace as they travel to visit their missionaries and offices. They are on the road and in the air a lot.
    • For wisdom for Luke as he speaks at meetings and conferences, responds to emails, deals with issues, and that he would be led by the Spirit.
    • That they would walk in step with the Spirit & discern what He wants them, as a mission, to do.
    • Praise that their daughters Laurel (Shawn) and their twins and Bethany (Michael) and their four sons all live close by. Pray the Lord would continue to work in and through them. Pray for strength for Laurel and Shawn and work for Michael.
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    Tom & Lisa Horn
    The Navigators

    Tom and Lisa serve with Navigators World Missions based in Denver, Colorado.  Together they serve as Regional Representatives (pastoral care function) for 40 staff and their children that serve in 8 countries: Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Cambodia, S. Korea and two closed countries in S. Asia.  They connect with their staff via the internet or at times travel to the region. They have had the privilege of serving as coach/mentors with younger leaders with two other mission agencies. They especially are thankful for and enjoy their three adult children, their spouses, and nine grandchildren.

    Please pray:

    • For Tom and Lisa as they travel: good health, stamina, safety, ability to sleep, focus, and that they’d be an encouragement and practical help to all the staff.
    • For guidance from the Lord regarding future ministry.
    • For their children and grandchildren to be drawn closer to Christ through His love.
    • For their time (via Zoom) ministering to a younger couple serving as leaders with SIM International. Tom & Lisa are involved with their Leader Development project.  
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    Josh & Lisa Inman
    Global Hope Network International

    Josh is the Regional Field Leader for GHNI in Southeast Asia, helping give leadership to the organization’s Transformational Community Development projects. TCD workers seek to help villagers reach sustainability in the areas of water, food, income, wellness, and education through three-to-five-year projects among unreached people groups. Lisa teaches American Literature and British Literature (Grade 11 & 12 English) at Grace International School, a school in which about 80% of the students are missionary kids.

    Please pray:

    • Thank God that Josh has made an excellent recovery from his injuries.
    • For protection for them as they work to bring help and hope to unreached 
      people groups in impoverished villages in Southeast Asia.
    • For their children Colby, Hailey, and Noah.
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    Mike & Stacey Jackson
    Your Jerusalem

    Mike is the director of Your Jerusalem, an organization to help churches spark a sustained movement of evangelism by equipping Christians to evangelize their friends. His thirty years of experience as a campus minister and his training as an ICF-certified coach help individuals address the lack of evangelism in their lives and mature through the process. Mike believes the gospel changes lives, families, churches, cities, and nations.  

    Please pray:

    • For many churches to request the training that Mike offers, and for many to address the barriers that keep them from sharing their faith.
    • For fruit from this ministry: overcoming barriers, Christians maturing in their faith, churches fostering a culture of evangelism, and non-believers hearing the gospel and placing their trust in Christ.
    • For his wife Stacey and their children Knox and Katie-Beth.
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    Rodrigo Jimenez
    Campus Outreach SERVE

    Rodrigo was raised as a Mormon, but thanks God that in his freshman year of college, he met Kike and Aniel, both Campus Outreach staff. They worked with him for a year to help him understand the gospel. But the most impactful thing to him was going to the New Year’s Conference and Summer Mountain Project in 2018, where he finally understood the gospel and surrendered to Jesus. He now is working with Campus Outreach trying to share the gospel with other college students at the university where he was a student in Guadalajara, Mexico. 

    Please pray:

    • For this school year to be fruitful with plans to reach out to students and deepen relationships.
    • That God prepares students’ hearts to receive the gospel.
    • God continues using their team as instruments of grace to others.
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    Chase & Alisha Johnson

    Chase and Ailisha (Sha) lead a small team that works alongside several primarily indigenous ministries/projects based in the university town of Cluj, Romania. The team also assists local believers working among students and professionals within the Cluj artistic community.

    Please pray:

    • That Roma youth would be touched by the gospel in a way that transforms their lives and their entire community.
    • For new conversions and for spiritual growth among the already converted, especially among university and seminary students.
    • For a deeper devotional life that overflows into hospitality and relationships.
    • That God would add much needed people with complementary gifts to the team.
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    Ben & Sheri Johnston
    Spero Ministries

    Ben and Sheri have been serving in local church ministry for over 35 years, most recently as the Senior Pastor at Subiaco Church in Perth, Australia. Ben’s new position is Executive Director of Spero Ministries based in Perth. Spero Ministries (Latin for “I hope”) exists to address the needs of pastors and Christian leaders for spiritual care and personalized ministry training. The core ministry of Spero is shepherding the shepherds of God’s people. The goal is not simply to help ministers of the gospel survive in ministry, but to thrive.

    Please pray:

    • Praise God for the wonderful reception Spero Ministries has received by pastors and Christian leaders in Australia.
    • That Spero Ministries will be able to grow their network and build on the ministries and relationships that were established this year.
    • For their children Taylor (Celeste), Katherine (David), Christine (Sam), and four 
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    Jason & Abbie Keel
    Bridges International & Cru City

    The Keels are on staff with Cru in the Atlanta area. Abbie serves as the Director of Training for the US National MPD (Ministry Partner Development) Team. In her role, she oversees all of Cru’s national trainings related to support raising and finances in order for all staff and interns to be fully funded, Christ-centered laborers, focused on their mission. Jason is on staff with Cru Church Movements. Jason trains church leaders and lay people how to be multiplying disciples. The goal is transformative, multiplying churches in every segment of the city that communicate and demonstrate the gospel to every person, so that every man, woman and child would know the gospel and experience the love of Jesus Christ.

    Please pray:

    • For Jason to have open doors to serve more pastors and churches who want a new discipleship pathway.
    • For Abbie and her team to have wisdom and clarity.
    • For Jason and Abbie as they parent their young adult children Hannah, Owen, and Bennett.
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    Zach & Citlali Kempf
    Campus Outreach SERVE

    Zack and Citlali work with CO Serve and the local church in Guadalajara, Mexico, where less than 1% of the population know Jesus. They are laboring to reach college students with the Gospel and to disciple them and get them connected to the local church.

    Please pray:

    • For God to transform Guadalajara and the whole "Circle of Silence" region through the Gospel.
    • That God would save many people in Mexico and raise them up as laborers for the kingdom.
    • For their children Zami and James to know the Lord.
    • For continued financial and prayer support.
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    Jay & Nancy Klopfenstein
    T-Net International

    Jay serves as president of T-Net International, which seeks to train and equip pastors and leaders around the world to finish the Great Commission.  Currently T-Net is in 50 countries and has about 50 staff in North America, Africa, and SE Asia, with nearly 17,000 pastors in training and hundreds of training centers globally. 

    Please pray:

    • For new work starting in Latin America. They recently hired a director for this work.
    • For the translation work to continue expediently and accurately
    • For them as they work on a 2nd accreditation credential for Teleo University which will open up doors in North America.
    • For work in closed countries. Pray for their director, Wesley, in India, as he pursues the new “Equip Himalaya” initiative.
    • For their children Kaleb (Lizzy), Jared, Alexa (John), and two granddaughters.
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    Scott & Rachel Kramer
    Hands of Love Ministry

    Scott and Rachel minister through Hands of Love Ministry, based in Central Illinois, whose outreach includes music and speaking ministry throughout the United States and internationally. Rachel also leads a local women’s community Bible study.

    Please pray:

    • Praise for spiritual growth, ministry growth, and a time of refreshing.
    • Praise for Weston’s continued progress in his journey recovering from autism.
    • For God’s hand to continue to guide them as they move forward in faith.
    • For His rich presence to go with them everywhere they have the privilege of serving Him.
    • For their children Maria (Ben), Weston, and three grandchildren.
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    Stephen & Courtney Lawrence
    Presbytery of Northern Illinois

    Stephen is the planter and pastor of Exodus Church in Springfield, Illinois. The Lawrences were commissioned by Grace in 2020 to plant a church in Springfield. After laying the groundwork for several months, the church officially “launched” its Sunday services in September 2021. By God’s grace, it is growing and, of course, they appreciate all the prayers!!! Year two of the plant focused on solidifying leaders for the various ministries of the church. Year three is set to transition from being a “mission church” to being an “organized church” with its first set of elders and deacons ordained and installed.  

    Please pray:

    •  That they would continue to be an evangelistic church engaging many with the gospel and seeing conversions that get funneled into the church.
    • That more of the infrastructure and ministry policies of the church will be created and implemented.
    • That God would bless the ministry of the newest addition to the staff, Craig Dunham. Craig is coming as an assistant pastor and ministry coordinator.
    • For their children Layla (7), Dane (4), and Sierra (1).
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    Dan & Carol Learned
    Heart of Illinois Youth for Christ

    Dan is Executive Director of “Heart of Illinois Youth for Christ.” Their team is taking the Great News of Jesus Christ all around Central Illinois. They work to facilitate hundreds (someday thousands) of “Authentic Christ-Sharing Relationships,” with teens who do not know Jesus.

    Please pray:

    • For more Volunteer Ministry leaders.
    • That the gospel be shared and embraced often.
    • For their children Amy (Josh), Wes (Janelle), Jess (Grant), Ben (Natalie), and seven grandchildren.
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    Wes & Janelle Learned
    Heart of Illinois Youth for Christ

    Wes and Janelle direct Campus Life at Normal West High School. They lead a team of adults, committed to coming alongside young people and meeting them where they are. They seek to help young people navigate the pivotal years of high school, uncovering God’s story of hope in their lives.

    Please pray:

    • That the team would grow! That God would call committed adults into authentic Christ-sharing relationships with teens.
    • That students would be receptive to and transformed by the truth of the gospel.
    • For their family to keep receiving God’s grace as they love each other.
    • For their children Jack and Ransom.
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    Jon & Cassie Mahan
    Campus Outreach SERVE

    Jon and Cassie serve with Campus Outreach in Guadalajara, Mexico.  They are seeking to evangelize and disciple college students from various places in Mexico who come to Guadalajara to study.  They also desire to enfold them into the local church called Cristo Redentor and to develop them as future leaders for the next generation.

    Please pray:

    • That they love God above all things.
    • That they homeschool and disciple their kids well.
    • That their students become laborers.
    • That God saves many students and neighbors.
    • For their children Ellie, Annagrace, Josiah, Jaxon, Silas and Selah (twins).
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    Bob & Disha Moreau
    Crescent Project

    The Moreaus live in Chicago and are teaching English to refugees and immigrants, helping them adjust to American culture and developing organic relationships. Together they also disciple Christians from a Muslim background. Bob also supervises the AV team at a church in downtown Chicago, and Disha is on staff with Crescent Project, an organization that focuses on reaching Muslims here and internationally.

    Please pray:

    • For Bob’s healing and continued prayers for his health.
    • For their neighborhood as they minister to a huge influx of refugees from several nations.
    • For ministry through Devon Oasis, for families they serve, including through the ESL ministry.
    • For their monthly in-home fellowships (partnering with Sabka Sahaara, a local church plant) as a safe place for people to learn about Jesus and grow in faith.
    • For wisdom for Disha as she coaches new interns through Crescent Project.
    • For their family. They’ve updated their adoption paperwork. Please pray for the right child placement for them and for endurance.
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    Ron & Pam Morton
    Word of Life Fellowship

    Ron and Pam have been with Word of Life International Ministries since 1982. After 11 years in Chile, Ron started serving with International Ministries as a Project Coordinator. He provides strategic assistance by helping mobilize short-term work teams, some project fundraising, and procuring much-needed equipment and resources. He also travels with many of these teams to work on camp construction projects. 

    Please pray:

    • For Pam: She is the “Mimi” to the grandkids and wants to see each of them know and walk with the Lord.
    • For Pam’s ongoing ministry with students, both her Spanish class at a local Christian school, as well as her many past students. Pam has earned their respect and they keep in contact, coming to her for counsel.
    • For the many short-term mission trips to fill the needs of many of their international fields. Visit
    • For their monthly support.
    • For their children Caleb (Christine), Joanna (Mark), Joshua, and twelve grandchildren.
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    Ben & Lindsey Newton

    Ben and Lindsey live out the Gospel in holistic ways in communities of poverty. They have lived in Muslim communities (in South Asia and the UK) and are presently in Pennsylvania to launch their eldest off to college next year. Here they continue to forge Gospel-centered relationships with refugees and other marginalized people while also empowering local Christians to engage in mission. Their kids range from kindergarten to 12th grade, and they love spicy curry and Cadbury’s chocolate. Thank God for the stability the Newtons have found for this season in the U.S.

    Please pray:

    •  For their children to thrive as they continue to adapt to life here.
    • For discernment and blessing as Ben and Lindsey both develop their new ministry roles.
    • That local believers would be inspired to build new relationships with refugees and that many would become reproducing followers of Jesus!
    • For ongoing financial provision and joy for each member of the family!
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    Wachira & Glenda Ngamau
    Pan African Christian Exchange

    The Ngamaus’ main ministry outreach is education.  Pan African schools provide education from pre-school to high school, with a student population of over 250.  Over 150 are residential students. They also provide Bible training to pastors and church leaders in Kenya and the East African community. 

    Please pray:

    • Praise Him for salvation decisions for students and staff.
    • For additional friends to partner with them.
    • For them to be in step with God for the ministry direction and purpose.
    • For their children Ngamau (Ciera), Wangari, and Kihika (Nancy), and four grandchildren.
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    Jeremy & Christy Otten
    World Venture

    Jeremy and Christy serve with WorldVenture to provide theological education and counseling in Europe. Jeremy teaches full-time in the New Testament department at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (ETF). He enjoys the opportunity to work with and mentor students from across Europe and all over the world as they prepare for lives of ministry and discipleship. Christy is busy providing counseling support for WorldVenture missionaries. 

    Please pray:

    •  For their transition and adjustment to living in Kandern, Germany, and for safe travel each week as Jeremy commutes by train to Belgium.
    • For friendships for each of them in their new location and for the boys to adjust well to their new school.
    • For the students at EFT, that they would be the Christian leaders, the “theological voices” that the Church in Europe needs.
    • For their children Kai, Caleb, and Sam.
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    Josh & Julie Parr
    Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    The Parrs serve with the Illini Land Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at the University of Illinois. In 2023 Josh joined staff with Illini Land FCA to continue to labor at the U of I after almost a decade serving there with The Navigators Collegiate. The mission of FCA is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus and His Church. Josh and Julie long to see Illini athletes and coaches come to know Jesus through God’s Word and equip them to labor for the Kingdom on their teams, in the community, and for the rest of their lives wherever God takes them. They are excited to see what God will do in and through the diverse group of student-athletes and coaches at the U of I.

    Please pray:

    • That they would stay Christ-centered as a family and a staff team.
    • That God would open doors for the gospel on all the sports teams at the U of I.
    • That coaches and athletes at the U of I would trust Jesus and seek to help others do the same.
    • For their daughters Hannah and Joanna to know Jesus as their Savior.
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    Susan Perlman
    Jews for Jesus

    Jews for Jesus has centers in 12 countries and 16 cities around the globe—their largest work is in Israel. Susan is the Chief Partnership Officer (CPO) and is forging partnerships with other missions, churches, and theological institutions who share a commitment to evangelism. Her greatest love is to personally share the gospel with Jewish people one-on-one and with anyone else who needs to know Jesus.  

    Please pray:

    • For Susan, in her role as CPO (Chief Partnership Officer).  She is currently working on possible partnerships with four other mission agencies operating in Europe, the Middle East, and North America, two training institutions, and a digital ministry.
    • For the Jewish seekers on her caseload including the Rosners, Nathan, and Steve.
    • For Susan’s younger sister, Pauline’s salvation. Having lost their mother during the height of the pandemic, they have had more spiritual discussions than ever before.
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    Ted & Ann Powers
    Mission to North America (PCA)

    Ted is the director of the Midwest Alliance (PCA), which exists to see PCA churches and presbyteries in the Midwest move forward in church planting as an intentional and functional partnership, committed to working together to plant churches and renew existing congregations by strategic coordination, contributing resources to one another, increasing communication and collaboration. 

    Please pray:

    • For Ted as he seeks effective leadership and to resource the churches and
      presbyteries of the Midwest Region for church planting.
    • That by God’s grace, they will grow from 251 PCA churches in the Midwest 
      region to 500 over the next ten years totaling 100,000 people.
    • For their current church plants and planters.
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    Michael & Leslie Rebholz

    Mike and Leslie serve in roles caring for the missionaries of Cru, Mike as Associate National Director of US Staff Care and Leslie as the MPD (Ministry Partner Development) Coordinator of Capacity Ministries. Mike engages in coaching staff who are engaging in employee crisis situations. Leslie helps ensure the missionary staff in the capacity ministries of the headquarters (Finance, HR, Tech, and Legal) are able to be fully funded and engaged in the ministry.

    Please pray:

    • For Leslie as she changes her role to a new scope in the ministry that she will be able to understand the unique needs of each department she serves and help the missionary staff balance their own personal needs for financial support with carrying out the critical infrastructure duties they each have.
    • For Mike as he leads in caring for all 9,000 people who serve in Cru.
    • For margin as Mike and Leslie lead full lives (ministry, kids with special needs, strong marriage) as they seek to honor the Lord.
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    Gary & Marilyn Reedy
    EFCA ReachGlobal

    Gary and Marilyn serve in Ames, Iowa, where they minister to international students at Iowa State University. They seek to meet students’ practical needs and develop friendships in which they can share the gospel. In addition, Marilyn serves on the ReachGlobal English Teaching Ministry Resource Team that provides training and develops curriculum for churches stateside and missionaries overseas who teach English as an outreach ministry. The Reedys will be officially retiring from ReachGlobal at the end of 2024. They will continue in ministry as retired staff.

    Please pray:

    • For the Lord’s guidance as they connect with internationals in a variety of ways.
    • For continued spiritual growth for internationals who have come to Christ.
    • For Marilyn and her team to have wisdom as they teach online courses and 
      prepare resources to support those who teach English as a ministry.
    • For God’s hand on the lives of their adult children Anna and Benjamin (Jooyeon), and granddaughter Louisa.
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    Geordon and Marilyn Rendle
    Youth For Christ Canada

    Geordon and Marilyn have recently relocated from Abu Dhabi, UAE, to Victoria, Canada, with their two daughters, Jolyn and Joy. They have been on sabbatical over the summer and will be continuing to serve in their global roles with Youth for Christ Canada from Victoria for the next season. Marilyn will be overseeing diaspora ministries both globally and locally, and Geordon will continue speaking in his Global Youth Advocate role wherever God leads him.  

    Please pray:

    •  For family transitions: Jordan and Rachel’s baby, Elizabeth Joy, was born August 9 (first grandchild!); Josh (Nicole) has moved out and is currently traveling to South America for his work; and Jolyn and Joy (Daniel in Spain) start college this year.
    • For ministry with cross-cultural communities in both global and local locations.
    • For meaningful reconnections with partners over the years.
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    Jim & Linda Rinella
    Oaks International

    Jim and Linda Rinella lead the campus ministry for Oaks International at Colorado State University. Their passion is to see college students come to Christ, to make disciples, and to send students and alumni out across the world into missions. They want to develop students to become leaders and laborers that will go on to serve God in their families, their churches, their jobs, and their communities. Jim is on the leadership team for the nationwide college ministry of Oaks International. He also serves as the Director of Staff Training to help develop Staff in Oaks International especially focused on helping brand new staff as they start in full-time ministry.

    Please pray:

    • Praise God for three new staff couples joining them at CSU with Oaks International.
    • That they would be used by God to reach college students that don’t know Jesus.
    • For divine appointments to meet these students and share the gospel with them.
    • For full healing for Matthew’s brain and body following a traumatic brain injury.
    • That God would send Christians into their son Michael’s life, and that he would come back to Christ.
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    Steve and Katie Ringelspaugh
    Beautiful Redemption

    Steve leads a network of over 200 responding churches in the Colorado area that are aligned to serve child welfare agencies in the area through their technology platform called CarePortal. The Colorado churches can simply respond to kids in crisis through CarePortal, and the church has collectively served over 22,000 kids in the last few years!

    Please Pray:

    • That they can spread to surrounding counties in the Denver area so they can serve more children.
    • For support for their church network through adding churches and strengthening existing ones.
    • For their children, Judah and Zoey.
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    Jeff & Jean Ringenberg
    Youth for Christ — Peoria

    Jeff serves the Kingdom effort at HOIYFC in development and legacy giving ministry. YFC continues to trust the Lord to raise the financial and people resources needed to provide sustainable, fruitful ministry.

    Please Pray:

    • For God’s people to find joy in their stewardship through generous and tax-wise giving to Church and Kingdom causes.
    • For continued favor from those in positions that permit access to youth in detention centers, facilities, and schools.
    • For new, young believers in the detention centers to make significant life changes.
    • For teens. Many are discouraged, lonely, and depressed.
    • That many will say “yes” to Jesus.
    • For YFC leaders to pursue authentic, Christ-sharing relationships with lost teens.
    • For their children Amy (Marcus), Laura (Tom), Katie (Bill), and eleven grandchildren.
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    Gary & Judy Roseboom
    Rural Home Missionary Association

    As Associate Director (Gary) and Bookkeeper (Judy), they work at the Morton, Illinois, home office to help oversee and coordinate various ministries. He is also involved in the day-to-day care of the missionary family. RHMA missionaries go into small towns and rural areas across America to plant new churches and restart dying ones.

    Please pray:

    • For Adam Kipp, their new Executive Director, as he takes the reigns of leadership.
    • For a renewed emphasis on church planting in rural America. Much of their work in recent years has been in strengthening existing churches.
    • For wisdom in how to best encourage, equip, and care for the missionary family across rural America–some in very discouraging and isolated places.
    • For their children Laura (Ian), Elizabeth (Dave), Adam (Allison), and eleven grandchildren (ages 14-24).
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    Arabian Peninsula

    Sheridan is getting ready to return to the Middle East long-term! She just completed her training with her sending organization, and she’s now shifting gears to support raising. She is also working full-time with a company that is very supportive of her return to the Middle East to serve the Lord. After another 6-12 months, Sheridan will be able to take her work back to the field with her, giving her much-needed legitimacy among the people she will serve. She is also taking time to grieve in the wake of her mother’s death in July, after caring for her for the past two years during her battle with dementia.

    Please pray:

    • For God to provide all support needs in His timing.
    • For direction, that Sheridan will keep her focus on a return to the field while also grieving well.
    • That Sheridan’s work will continue to be supportive of her long-term goals and that her relationship with the company will remain strong.
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    Chase & Jess Smith
    Campus Outreach

    Chase, Jessica, their son, Bennet, and soon to be twin girls Jaclyn and Jordyn, work on campus at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo with Campus Outreach. They have been on staff with CO for just over 7 years and are entering their 4th year at WMU. This semester their focus is first to share the gospel broadly with many students. Secondly, they are focusing on reaching Greek life (fraternities and sororities) with the gospel. These organizations tend to be places where most ministries won’t go and are often left untouched by the gospel.

    Please pray:

    • That their team would have favor on the campus and form many friendships that would lead to gospel conversations.
    • That many fraternity guys would put their faith in Christ for the first time this fall!
    • That many Greek life students would commit to intentionally grow in their faith this year.
    • For their son Bennett and twin daughters due this fall.
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    Martin & Dana Smith
    InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

    Martin is the director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in central, western, and northern Illinois, where he oversees thirteen schools.  His supervision also includes two staff and over fifteen volunteers. Martin casts vision, recruits staff and volunteers, initiates chapter planting, and leads some of the chapters.  He particularly helps lead the Bradley chapter.  InterVarsity’s goal is to develop witnessing communities at the existing chapters on secular campuses and to plant new chapters at schools without a Christian group.  

    Please pray:

    • For Intervarsity as they help Christian students grow in spiritual disciplines and in practical obedience witnessing.
    • For Dana who is a counselor at Metamora Township High School.
    • For their children Will (16), Dawn (12), and C. J. (10).
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    Joel & Stephanie Swanson
    Mission to the World (PCA)

    After finishing their latest four-year term as church planters in Paris, France, the Swansons are currently on Home Ministry Assignment in the U.S. Stephanie has served 23 years in France in nine different cities. Joel served in Ukraine before meeting Stephanie, and they have been serving together in France for the past ten years. 

    Please pray:

    •  For their home ministry assignment in the U.S. Pray for practical wisdom with the logistics of their upcoming transition, and that they would handle the many details and stresses with grace and joy. Pray also for wisdom and open doors in relationships, particularly with non-believers.
    • For their hearts, as they are each sad in different ways to be closing this chapter of their lives and leaving France.
    • That their son Pascal would see God’s love and care for him. He hates goodbyes, and he’s praying for friends in Orlando.
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    Bill & Sue Tell
    The Navigators

    Bill and Sue continue to live out their hearts for college ministry. They spend time on campuses across the country ministering to the Nav staff and students as cross-generational friends...speaking, listening, praying, and mentoring.

    Please pray:

    • That they would lead missionally.
    • For wise decision-making as they consider their capacity.
    • Psalm 78:72 and Acts 20:24
    • For their children Dave (Hannah), Jeff (Aubrey), and six grandchildren.  
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    Mike & Kathy Uno
    Cru City 

    Mike and Kathy are working with Cru City, specifically with the IIR (International, Immigrant, and Refugee) ministry. Their desire is to develop strategies to reach, disciple, mobilize, and send IIRs to reach others with the gospel. They are also helping develop and direct Grace Presbyterian Church’s ESL ministry. 

    Please pray:

    • That God would provide a team of individuals from each cultural group to help give leadership to this ministry.
    • That God will give creative ideas as they seek to provide opportunities to 
      interact with individuals concerning their needs and spiritual interest.
    • That God would multiply church-based ESL ministries in other states.
    • For their children Nathan (Larissa), Tim (Traci), Abbie (Jason), and nine 
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    Lisa Velpel
    Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois

    Lisa helps coordinate volunteers for the office special projects as well as doing some behind-the-scenes work so that field ministry and events can happen. When she is not doing behind-the-scenes work, she helps teach Good News Clubs during the school year and  5-Day Clubs during the summer. She also passionately leads a Moms in Prayer group for the moms of Glen Oak Learning Center and other local elementary school students.

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    Tomas & Melody (Walker) Vidal

    Tomas and Melody serve as the directors of the Matthew Training Center in Guadalajara, Mexico, whose vision is to see well-trained disciples serving among the nations. Along with five teammates who are also passionate to make disciples like Jesus did, they lead discipleship programs where the participants live in a multi-cultural community whose focus is to grow in intimacy with the Lord and make disciples who make disciples. 

    Please pray:

    • For their team relationships and dynamics.
    • For Jocelyn, a student from 2021, who is pursuing further training in missions.
    • For those who passed through their programs this year to continue to follow Jesus and make disciples.
    • For more volunteers (those they have had have served so well, been an example to their students, and been blessed in return!).
    • For complete financial support.
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    Nelly Vos
    Mission to the World (PCA)

    For the last seven years, Nelly’s ministry has been to support and help develop an artistic initiative in the context of evangelism within UNEPREF (French denomination of churches). The means of creativity and art (pluridisciplinary music, painting, photography, etc.), used for the purpose of outreach is non- threatening to French society and provides an opportunity for broader evangelistic impact.   

    Please pray:

    •  For wisdom and a deep dependence on the Holy Spirit as she dedicates her time, energy, and gifts and collaborates with leaders and a handful of artists in churches, to reach the people of France for Christ.
    • That Nelly will be able to encourage and continue motivating the artists within the denomination, especially the one who attended the residency last May.
    • For the continuing work of books of a collection Unexpected Layovers of evangelistic/pre-evangelistic books.    
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    Dean & Kim Waldenmaier
    Cru – Bridges International

    Dean serves with Cru’s international student ministry, Bridges International, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.  As the team leader, he coaches a team of students and volunteers who seek to win international students to Christ, disciple them, and train them to reach others. Kim works in the human resource world of Cru. Her team seeks to develop individuals and teams so they can be healthy and effective missionaries. 

    Please pray:

    • That every international student on the UW-Madison campus and throughout 
      Wisconsin would have the chance to hear about Jesus.
    • That they would walk closely with the Lord, depending on Him for wisdom, strength, and energy.
    • For their children Christa (Sam), Michael, Katie, and their two granddaughters to love the Lord and to make wise life decisions.
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    Gordon & Linda Warriner
    Black Buffalo Global Missions, Inc.

    Gordon is responsible for carrying out the vision of the organization, primarily in Uganda, Africa. The Village of Joy has 12 classrooms, a library, a medical clinic, a cookhouse, a teacher residence, a children’s home, and new washrooms. They provide meals, an education for 400 children from pre-school to high school, medical care, a children’s home that now has 240 orphans, and daily chapel services.

    Please Pray:

    • For finances to be able to complete the high school, meet monthly budget, and for them to make yearly trips to Uganda.
    • For Linda and Gordon as Senior Pastors, ministering to “senior” members of their congregation in Kelowna, B.C.
    • For new monthly partners.
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    Megan Weeks

    Megan is serving with TEAM to provide special education services at Faith Academy in the Philippines.  She is serving in the elementary school division to teach, disciple, and care for students of missionaries.  By partnering with missionary families, she hopes to serve God’s Kingdom work in Southeast Asia.

    Please Pray:

    • For joyful dependence on the Holy Spirit in learning how to live in a new culture, work in a new environment, and be away from family and friends.
    • For wisdom and flexibility in collaborating with parents, other teachers, students, and staff to meet students’ various needs.
    • For the community of Faith Academy to continue to empower God’s Kingdom and create disciples.
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    Jonathan & Katie Welch
    Camp of Champions U.S.A.

    Jonathan, the Executive Director of Camp of Champions USA, is driven by a deep passion for guiding campers, families, and staff into transformative, gospel-centered experiences. He finds his greatest joy in crafting moments that not only deepen their connection to Christ but also inspire a profound love for His creation within the fun and safety of a Jesus-centered day camp.

    Please Pray:

    • That families in need are drawn to camp, where the relationships they build will powerfully connect campers, staff, and families to God’s love and grace.
    • For the 2025 summer staff, that they fully embrace the divine calling on their lives, stepping into the incredible opportunity to make disciples who make disciples.
    • For the camp and its church partners, that their partnership will impact eternity, by transforming the communities they serve for Christ.
    • For their children David and Addison and Jonathan’s parents Doug & Jeri.
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    Randy & Sandy Weyeneth
    The Navigators

    The Weyeneths serve with The Navigators’ Encore Mission. They are involved with a personal discipling and counseling ministry helping people apply the gospel to daily life challenges. Sandy continues a long, very difficult health recovery journey from a host of major physical problems, plus severe burnout and related issues. 

    Please pray:

    • For complete healing of Sandy’s health.
    • For creative ways resulting in fruitful evangelism.
    • That God would transform lives through biblical marital counseling.
    • That hundreds of quality discipleship resources shipped overseas would change lives.
    • For their children Alicia, Mirachelle (Noah), Merrilee (Jason), and six 
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    John & Karen Winkelman
    CRU — FamilyLife

    John and Karen have served FamilyLife for 25 years. John guides and trains their staff as they learn Cru’s core distinctives and translates those to winning, building and sending people for Christ in the marriage and family sphere wherever they live. Karen serves in support of the FamilyLife Today broadcast team. They also serve on ministry prayer teams when opportunities become available.

    Please pray:

    • That each family member would seek God first and bring glory to Him in all that they do (school, ministry, relationships, etc.).
    • That God would equip them to balance their roles at FamilyLife, church, and home with wisdom and grace.
    • For wisdom as they honor, stay connected with, and care for their aging moms.
    • For their children Hannah (Andy), Mary, Grace (Josh), Kara, and six grandchildren.
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    Bill & Jackie Wright
    PowerQuest WorldWide

    Bill and Jackie serve the Lord assisting missionary hospitals around the world.  Using his engineering background and experience, Bill formulates designs, sources equipment, and then installs appropriate technology and cost-effective systems such as medical gas, radiology, and alternative energy for the GLORY of God. Jackie is involved in Women’s Bible studies, mentoring a college student, and gardening. 

    Please pray:

    • For wisdom on how PowerQuest WorldWide can serve the missionary hospital community around the world.
    • For wisdom to know when international travel will be appropriate with scheduling projects once equipment is on site.
    • As they walk through these uncertain and unpredictable times, please pray they will walk in His peace as they trust Him for the future.
    • For provision for volunteers to assist in the installation of equipment.
    • For their children Brent (Meredith), Kari, and Janell, and three grandchildren. 
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    Siddhant & Beulah Yogi
    World Team

    Originally from India, the Yogis have been church planters in Trinidad among unreached people groups of south Asian origin since 1980, having been instrumental in starting several churches. Siddhant also trains, mentors, counsels, and disciples nationals. Beulah continues to facilitate women’s Bible studies, children’s, and youth ministries. 

    Please pray:

    • For potential leaders in training, Joshua and Mark.
    • That the ladies’ Bible study on Proverbs will teach practical life lessons.
    • For a specific location in which to serve among the immigrants in the U. S.
    • For housing closer to the ministry site and to their children.
    • For their children Disha (Bob), Divya (John), Beulah Jr (Patrick), Dilshad (Ethan), and four grandchildren.