The Grace Church Team

Every staff member at Grace brings a passion for excellence to their work and a desire to see God's kingdom grow in Peoria and around the world.

Click HERE to see a list of our Session Elders, Diaconate members, and committee assignments.

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    Senior Pastor

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    Zach Rogers
    Senior Pastor

    Zach is originally from Knoxville, Tennessee. He graduated from Tennessee Technological University in 2008, where he also met his wife Sheffey. Zach married Sheffey and was hired by Grace Presbyterian in December of 2008 as part of the Campus Outreach ministry. Zach and Sheffey have been married for 13 years and have three children: Riz, Raleigh, and Raya. After serving at Tennessee Tech University for two years, Zach moved to Eastern Illinois University (EIU) as the Campus Director to plant a Campus Outreach ministry. Then he moved to Illinois State University to oversee another plant there. After serving as an Area Director for three years, Zach became the Regional Director of Campus Outreach Central IL in 2020. He graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2021, and became Senior Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in 2023.

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    Ministry Staff

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    Connor Dimick
    Executive Administrator


    Connor joined the staff team at Grace via the Campus Outreach ministry in July 2013. Born and raised in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, he went on to graduate from Olivet Nazarene University (2013) with degrees in Accounting and Finance. Immediately after graduating, he spent his first seven years working with college students at Eastern Illinois University. He then moved to Peoria in July 2020 to become the Campus Outreach Resource Director. In 2024, Connor became the Interim Executive Administrator.

    Connor and his wife, Hannah, have been married since 2016. They have two young children, Cor and Pippa. Connor enjoys working out, reading good books, playing basketball, and disc golfing.

    Connor’s favorite verse is “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

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    Greg Grindinger
    Adult Ministry Pastor

    Greg joined the staff team at Grace in the spring of 2009. Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Greg first worked as a diaper manufacturing engineer with Procter & Gamble and then as a civil engineer with the United States Air Force in South Carolina, Germany, and Hawaii.

    He received his Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1998. After serving as a pastor in southern Illinois, he came to Grace to lead the ministry to children and families. He now leads the adult ministry team.

    Greg and Cecilia have four adult children and two grandchildren. Greg’s desire is for the church and family to partner in shepherding God’s people toward mature faith in Christ.

    Greg’s favorite verse reminds him that we become what we behold: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

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    Kerry Frantz
    Adult Ministry Pastor

    Kerry joined the staff team at Grace in the summer of 2007. Raised in the western suburbs of Chicago, he received his training for ministry at Wheaton College Graduate School (M.A.) and Trinity Divinity School (M.Div.)

    Before coming to Grace, Kerry served three churches in central Illinois over the last 35 years. He and his wife, Nancy (native of Tinley Park, IL) have nine children (Cassie, Nathan, Bethany, Victoria, Brittany, Andrew, Andre, Elijah, and Donte) and enjoy 11 grandchildren. Kerry enjoys watching, playing, and coaching sports of all kinds.

    He seeks to train believers of all ages to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. His desire is to make Christ known and equip believers to serve as mature disciples of Christ in the Lord’s vineyard.

    A verse that has impacted his life is, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

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    John Hopwood
    Adult Ministry Pastor

    John has been part of the Grace team since the summer of 2015. He grew up in Miami, Florida where he stayed through his college years. He received his training for ministry at Reformed Theological Seminary (M.C.E.) and Erskine Theological Seminary (M. Div).

    In his early years of ministry, John served as a Youth Director and as a Christian Education Director. He would go on to serve three churches in Florida as pastor.

    He and his wife, Grace, have a daughter who lives in Woodstock, Georgia, with her husband and two children.

    John seeks in his ministry at Grace to have the heart of a compassionate servant who encourages those in the midst of trials. A verse that has profoundly impacted his life is, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

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    John Cherne
    Adult Ministry Pastor

    John Cherne joined the pastoral staff at Grace in 2022. He was raised primarily in the Chicago suburbs along with some time in the Phoenix area.

    John completed his Bachelor of Arts at Moody Bible Institute (2014) in Chicago and his Master of Divinity at Covenant Theological Seminary (2020) in St. Louis. He was licensed to preached and lawfully ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (2020) in the Northern California Presbytery before transferring to the Presbytery of Northern Illinois (2022). John has previously served at several other PCA churches in Illinois, Missouri, and California.

    John married his wife, Kristina, in 2017. Together they have one son, Walter. As a family they enjoy reading, hiking, and playing board games.

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    Kevin King
    Director of Worship

    A south Florida native, Kevin King joined the staff at Grace as the Director of Worship in June 2015. Kevin received his master's degree in music at the University of Texas at Austin and his bachelor’s degree in music from Stetson University in central Florida.

    After graduating, Kevin served as the Director of Worship at a church in North Florida for four and a half years before being called to Grace.

    Kevin met his wife Megan shortly after moving to Illinois. They were married in July 2017. Kevin and Megan now have two children and desire to raise these little ones to know the love and kindness of Christ.

    Kevin has been a part of helping Grace Worship release three original projects. All music and resources can be found at

    A favorite verse of Kevin’s is Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” May we all be those who discover Jesus as a greatest joy and give all we have for him!

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    John Vanne
    Director of Family Ministries

    John grew up going to Grace and joined the Grace staff in May 2006 after graduating college. He later obtained his Masters in Biblical Studies through Moody Theological Seminary (2014).

    In 2009, John married Beth, who is a licensed clinical professional counselor. They love having three kids who add joy, humor, and craziness to most situations along with their chocolate lab, Roxie. They also love spending time outside, going for bike rides, and exploring nature.

    Since his teens, John has striven to embrace a Proverbs 3:5-6 mentality: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

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    Karianne Charbonnel
    Director of Children's Ministry

    Karianne Charbonnel was a pastor's daughter, raised in rural areas of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, spending much childhood reading and drawing. She met her opposite, an intellectual Frenchie from Paris, and after an interesting courtship, they happily married in 2006. Karianne graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Social Work (with art on the side) and worked for several years with the Center for Prevention of Abuse when Caterpillar brought Sylvain and Karianne to Peoria.

    After having four darling sons, Karianne went back into the arts and worked part time in Interior Design for a creative outlet while raising a family. Their kids attend Aletheia Classical and Dunlap High School and have kept busy with soccer, wrestling, robotics, Classical Conversations, and music. The Charbonnel family has embraced seven exchange students over the years. In 2024 God added a daughter to the home: a wonderful surprise blessing.

    Karianne joined the team at Grace to continue her mission of building community and investing in disciples. Although there are countless ways to connect with the work God is doing, Karianne is excited to participate in this season at Grace. She feels the most energy when being involved in growth, meaning, and connection.

    Isaiah 42:6-7
    “I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.”

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    Brenda Garrison
    Director of Women's Ministries

    Brenda Garrison joined the Grace staff in April 2021. For almost thirty years, she has been ministering to women through Bible studies, speaking, and writing. Her heart is for women to know God and how much He loves them. She is passionate about equipping women to use their gifts in the body of Christ for God’s glory. Brenda is the author of four books including Love No Matter What: When Your Kids Make Decisions You Don’t Agree With (Thomas Nelson Publishers), Queen Mom: A Royal Plan for Restoring Order in Your Home, and Princess Unaware: Finding the Fabulous in Every Day. Brenda has spoken to audiences in Eastern Asia and throughout the United States. She has been a guest on Family Life Today, Focus on the Family, and Moody Radio's Midday Connection with Anita Lustrea. Brenda attended Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, love spending time with their three grown daughters, three sons-in-law, and their three adorable grandsons.

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    Shawn Degenhart
    Director of Communications and Community Impact


    Shawn joined the staff at Grace in July 2019 as Director of Communications and Community Impact. However, he has been involved in the music ministry at Grace Presbyterian Church since 1997. He served as the Assistant Director of Communications from 2000-2002, and then Music Associate from 2002-2004. In 2004, Shawn and his wife, Anne, joined Hands of Love Ministry where they served with the Kramers for 5 years before forming GospelFest Ministries as its own non-profit ministry. From 2007-2012, he served as Music Director at Grace Evangelical Church in Morton, IL, before returning to Grace Pres in 2013. From 2016 to 2019, he was the executive producer of Dr. Bryan Chapell’s “Unlimited Grace” radio broadcasts.

    GospelFest Ministries produces the annual Summertime & Christmastime GospelFest concerts, the weekly GospelFest Hour radio program, and the GospelFest Singers travel throughout the area presenting various concerts and Hymn Sings at churches, nursing homes, and other community events. Shawn also does a lot of musical theatre, music directing, arranging and engraving work for companies in Nashville, New York, and Los Angeles.

    Shawn graduated from Illinois State University with a bachelor’s degree in Music History and Theory/Composition and a master’s in Choral Conducting. He and Anne have been married since 2001, and have four girls: Clara, Eliza, Greta and Audra. He is excited to be serving as Director of Communications and help equip the staff to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the many various ministries at Grace. His favorite verses are Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast,” because it is a great reminder that it is only by God’s grace that we have been saved.

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    Sharon Monn
    Finance Director

    Sharon has been the Finance Director at Grace for over 25 years.

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    Christopher Summers
    Director of Media Ministry and I.T.

    Christopher Summers joined the Grace Presbyterian staff in September 2002 and directs the Media Ministry and Information Technology of the church. He has general oversight of the technical needs of the church, from sanctuary sound and lighting to computer technology. He produces and edits the television and radio broadcast of our Sunday morning worship service (Grace Alive!), our annual Grace Family Christmas concert, and numerous ministry and testimony videos.

    Chris graduated from Bradley University with a bachelor's degree in Communications/TV Arts. He has been married to Amy since 1994, and they have three children: Jacqueline, Margaret, and James.

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    Randy Whitman
    Director of Facilities

    Randy joined the Grace staff as Director of Facilities in February of 2015. He was raised in nearby Lewistown. He attended Spoon River College and Western Illinois University studying Electronics/Industrial Technology/Robotics.  During that time he was led to the Lord by college roommates his senior year. Shortly thereafter he was challenged to give his life as an overseas tribal missionary/church planter. In pursuit of that missional ministry, he then earned his BA of Intercultural Ministry.

    Along with his wife Carla of 37 years and their five children: Spencer, Madalyn (Whitman) Anderson, Meredith, Morgan, and Mitchell, Randy served nearly three decades in full-time missionary service. During that time, Randy and his family served both in stateside ministry as Facility Manager and teaching staff at multiple missionary training facilities and also in the country of Papua New Guinea as chairman of Regional Leadership Teams, Field Board of Directors, Regional Administrator, and as tribal church planters. During that time, an added blessing was that Randy & Carla were able to serve alongside each of Carla’s three siblings and 12 nieces and nephews! The Whitmas are eternally grateful for the great exposure to the needs of the world their family has been able to experience during their ministry career.  Spending time with family and friends, being outdoors in God’s creation, sports involvement on all levels, and working with his hands are special activities he enjoys.

    Romans 5:8 has always been a favorite verse: "But God showed his great love to us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." With that great revelation comes the great responsibility to make known the incredible love of God through Jesus Christ, so it is a special blessing to continue to serve in ministry through the local church that seeks to make the name of Jesus Christ known throughout all the world!

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    Glory Christian
    Missions Coordinator


    Glory Christian started as the Missions Coordinator in June 2022. She organizes and coordinates the annual missions conferences as well as the monthly needs of the missionary families supported by Grace.

    Glory is married to Amit Christian who works at Caterpillar and they have a daughter named Manna. They believe she is their “manna” (bread from heaven) given to them in “their wilderness” just as God gave to the Israelites.

    Glory was born and raised in a Christian home in India. She moved to USA as a spouse of an international student in 2003. Only then, she began to understand God’s amazing grace, being away from loved ones, living in a new culture and being newly married. They have been attending Grace since the end of 2013.

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    David Cox
    Maintenance Support


    David Cox works with Facilities Director Randy Whitman to care for the building and grounds here at Grace.

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    Cara Schuck
    College and Student Ministries Coordinator


    Cara Schuck joined the Grace Pres Team in August 2019 as a summer intern in the Student Ministry department. She has since become a part-time intern and now full-time staff as the College and Student Ministries Coordinator. She grew up near Chicago and moved to Peoria in 2018. She has a degree in Kinesiology from Northern Illinois University and worked as a high school athletic trainer prior to moving to Peoria.

    Cara is excited to further her professional life into ministry. She has a passion to disciple students and equip leaders to do the same. Since beginning her work at Grace, she has only grown in her desire for exploring God’s Word and making His truth known. She is so grateful for the work God has done and is doing in her journey with Him.

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    Sarah Stevens
    Hospitality/Special Events


    Sarah has been attending Grace since 2000, and joined the hospitality team as a volunteer in 2013, and as an intern in 2021. She accepted the role of "Hospitality Ministry Sunday Morning Coordinator and Special Events Coordinator" in December 2022, and is an assistant during special events. She graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in horticulture and landscape management and is currently pursuing her master's degree in agribusiness. She is responsible for making sure Sunday mornings run smoothly, which includes recruiting greeters and helping make the coffee! She enjoys farm life, selling produce at farmers' markets, playing clarinet, gardening, being with her small group from Grace, and spending time with her family.

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    Jackie Summers
    Hospitality/Admin. Assistant


    Jackie was born and raised at Grace and has been heavily involved with the worship ministry, youth group, and now working in the office in the Hospitality Ministry and as an administrative assistant. She loves to travel and has spent time abroad at L'Abri. Jackie loves people and has never met a stranger. Working in hospitality really capitalizes on her many strengths.

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    DeJuan Shelby
    Hospitality/Special Events


    DeJuan has been attending Grace since 1999 and loves serving the church. He’s a former cast member at Walt Disney World and loves Marvel. Working in the Hospitality Ministry at Grace gives him the opportunity to meet and talk with not only old friends, but also new faces that come through the door. He loves being able to use his gifts to make others feel welcome. DeJuan is a faithful friend to all who meet him!

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    Kathy Bontemps
    Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

    Kathy joined the GPC staff in April 2023. She is excited to be here supporting the ministries of Grace Presbyterian Church.

    Her favorite verses include:

    Philippians 2:10-11
    That at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.

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    Amy English
    Children's Ministry Assistant


    Amy English became the Children’s Ministry Assistant in June 2022. Amy is married to Paul who works at Caterpillar. They have four children: Emily, Russell, Joy and Grace.

    Amy taught middle school mathematics in Peoria, East Peoria and Washington schools before staying at home with a growing family. She returned to teach preschool once her children attended school. Amy loves sharing the love of Jesus with children and seeing them grow in their understanding of His Word.

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    Lora Gaskins
    Administrative Assistant

    Lora has worked at Grace since 2001. She has twin daughters, two sons-in-law, and three grandchildren.

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    Janell Berger
    Administrative Assistant

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    Cecilia Grindinger
    Grace Connect Master Administrator 

    Cecilia was born in California and moved to Oregon when she was 9. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Atmospheric Science from Oregon State University, and a Master of Science degree in Tropical Meteorology from University of Hawaii. She was an Air Force Officer in South Carolina (where she met her husband Greg), Germany, Hawaii, and Illinois. She served on active duty for 14½ years and retired as a reserve officer.

    Greg and Cecilia have four children (Breanna, Isaac, Joshua, and Rachel) and one grandchild (Blaire).

    Cecilia became a Christian in college where she met other young people who loved the Lord and shared what it meant to follow Christ. Cecilia enjoys helping ministry leaders and members of the congregation to connect through her management of Grace Connect, our church management software.

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    Elizabeth Parker
    Women's Ministry Coordinator

    Elizabeth Parker joined the Women's Ministry team in July 2023 as the Women's Ministry Coordinator. She is responsible for managing the Tuesday Bible Studies, supporting the Women's Ministry Director, Brenda Garrison, and making sure all the administrative needs of Women's Ministry are met. She desires that all women have what they need when attending a Bible study, a training event, or leading other women, so that they can grow in Christ and reflect His glory.

    Elizabeth grew up in upstate New York. She met her husband John at Cornell University where she graduated with a degree in Nutrition. She is the proud mother of three young men: Daniel, Noah who is married to Adara and has a son James, and Samuel. She has been a member of Grace since 2003. She has been involved with the Monday Morning Prayer Group, TBS, ESL, Moms in Prayer, MoCo, and helps in the 1st and 2nd Grade Sunday School. She loves to travel, cooking, and books.

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    Julie Cordes
    Women's Ministry Childcare Coordinator/VBS Director


    Julie was born and raised in the Peoria area and has attended Grace all her life. She has served in many leadership roles, including VBS Director, KIDventure Coordinator, Kidz Klub leader and was the Interim Director of Children’s Ministry from Summer 2008 to Spring 2009. She was the Director of Children's Ministry from August 2016 until December 2023, and has been serving in her current role since January 2024.

    Julie was an Education Major at Covenant College, graduating in 1992. In 2020 she received a Certification in Children’s Ministry from the Discipleship Ministries of the PCA. She married her high school sweetheart, Stephen, and they have three children: Kara (and Philip), Timothy (and Michaela), and Jonathan (and Anna). She has one grandson with more grandchildren to come.

    While she first professed faith in Christ as her personal Savior at age 6 in Sunday school at Grace, it wasn’t until Youth Summer Camp her sophomore year of high school that Julie felt God calling her for more of her life. There, she committed to living her life for Christ and has been striving to live fully for Him ever since.

    Julie has been a part of Children’s Ministry her entire life, first as a child and then as a leader. She loves children and longs for every child to know Jesus personally. The best sound to her ears is when a child is singing or talking about Jesus.

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    Lisa Schock
    Children’s Special Needs Coordinator


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    Jenn Weaks
    Children’s Wednesday Superintendent