Grace Church Leadership
Our church is led by an elder board called a Session and a deacon board called the Diaconate. Each of these boards have committees that report to them. Here are the names of the lay leaders who serve on these boards and commissions.
Click HERE to see a list of our staff members.
Pastor Zach Rogers, Moderator
Tom Allen (2025)
Joel Feucht (2026)
Mike Flinn, Clerk (2026)
Lee Gerrietts (2027)
Woody Hartwell (2026)
Brian Livingston (2027)
David Schudel (2027)
Dustin Schumacher (2026)
Kevin Siscoe (2025)
Paul Stark (2025)
Derek Tanis (2025)
Mike Uno (2027)
David Tuttle, Chairman (2026)
Larry Bielema (2025)
Matt Crow (2027)
T.J. Crowell (2026)
Tom Currie (2025)
Matt Escher (2026)
Matthew Kuntz (2027)
Jim Otten (2027)
Michael Rieker (2025)
Jeff Smith (2025)
Ben Streeter (2027)
Paul Zwart (2026)
Connor Dimick – Staff Liaison
Mike Flinn - chair
Tom Allen
T. J. Crowell
Connor Dimick - staff
Brenda Garrison - staff
Lee Gerrietts
Greg Grindinger - staff
Zach Rogers - staff
Kevin Siscoe
Paul Stark
Scott Stevens
David Tuttle
John Vanne - staff
Jeff Smith, Deacon, Chairman (2025)
Tom Allen, Elder (2025)
Matt Crow, Deacon (2027)
David Schudel, Elder (2027)
Dustin Schumacher, Elder, Secretary (2026)
David Tuttle, Deacon (2026)
TJ Crowell, Deacon (2026) – Treasurer
Derek Tanis - chair
Amit Christian
Amy Gerriets
Chandler Tuckerman
David Tuttle
Mike Flinn
Liv Steffen
Randy Stuckey
Zach Rogers - staff
Woody Hartwell - chair
Connor Dimick - staff
Thom Simpson
Dan Hunt
Craig Parr
Sue Parr
Zach Rogers - staff
Tom Allen - chair
Greg Grindinger - staff
Kerry Frantz - staff
Sam Dunlap
Tom Giese
Bryant Morris
David Schudel
Thom Simpson
+ | Family Ministry Committee
Kevin Siscoe - chair
John Vanne - staff
Karianne Charbonnel - staff
Cara Schuck - staff
David Schudel - chair
Tom Giese
Fred Nelson
Dan Ryken
Dan Learned - chair
Sam Dunlap
John Wieland
Brian Livingston
Kevin Misura
Connor Dimick (advisory)
Kerry Frantz (advisory)
Bob Smart (advisory)
Paul Stark - chair
Steve White - Global Subcommittee Leader
Jeff Holt - National Subcommittee Leader
Duane Weeks - Local Subcommittee Leader
Kerry Frantz - Staff pastoral liaison
Glory Christian - Staff Missions Coordinator
T. J. Crowell - chair
Drew Giles - secretary
Larry Bielema
Greg Bonomo
Jan Mueller
Cam Parr
Craig Parr
Josh Ulm
Sharon Monn - staff
Connor Dimick - staff
Lee Gerrietts - Session representative
+ | Compassion and Concern Committee
Tom Currie - chair
Matt Crow
Pat Edwards
John Parker
Ben Streeter
David Tuttle
Michael Rieker - chair
Matt Escher
YC Shin
Brett Steffen
+ | Buildings and Grounds Committee
Paul Zwart - chair
Jim Otten - secretary
Jeff Smith - Safety and Security Team leader
Marty Layer
Brian Rumpf
David Strickler
Tom Spillman - emeritus
Randy Whitman - staff
Connor Dimick - staff
Matthew Kuntz - chair
Pat Hampton - secretary
Russ Fahlberg
Frank Howard
Normi Howard
Dale Raeuber
Judy Raeuber
Wes Read
Kerry Frantz - staff