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Fighting Through Adversity
Please see weather-related update for February 2 below.
Men's Ministry will begin the Midweek Grace semester with a three-part series for all the men of the church, age high school and up, beginning February 2, 6:30-8 p.m. We'd love to have you join us!
Even as disciples of Christ, we can lose our focus. Sometimes, through sheer inner fortitude, we can use our own strength to get back on track, but this rarely lasts long term.
However, God has designed a path of encouragement for us. You are invited over the next three weeks to participate in classes that examine our role as husbands and fathers, having spiritual direction, and understanding the grace of God that provides a pathway through burnout. On Wednesdays, February 2, 9, and 16, we will look at ways to gain a godly perspective and find practical pathways to live in Christ. Join us as we are re-energized for the amazing journey of faith that God has for us in the midst of life’s challenges.
February 2 - Jeff Ringenberg
Growing as a godly husband and father
UPDATE: Session 1 of the Men’s Conference, “Growing as a Godly Husband and Father,” taught by Jeff Ringenberg, will be offered live via Zoom from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Connect a few minutes before 6:30 at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81757019678?pwd=NS92aXJDazYxbEc1YU54RUg5U2YxUT09. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Kerry.
February 9 - Mike Caponigro
Living with purpose
February 16 - Pastor Kerry Frantz
Fighting against burnout in a world that doesn't stop