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Common Ground: Rooted in Christ
Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday morning Bible study has a new name and a new vision, but remains a wonderful time to connect at Grace. Women of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences will find common ground with other women who are rooted in Christ to feed on God's Word and nourish one another.
"Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:6-7)
Choose to attend one of the following groups:
Peoria MOPS
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a group of moms who have children ages infant to kindergarten We build circles of women who love each other like family, because raising humans is beautiful and hard, and having each other to lean on is life-giving. We meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of being a mom. This is motherhood, and together we can change the world in all the best ways. Led by Kelsey Feucht and Amy Gerrietts.
Mom Life
Life as a mom is hard sometimes. Having a circle of moms to encourage, love, and support you makes the job a lot easier. Mom Life is a new Tuesday morning Mom Ministry for moms of school aged children. Lessons are designed to give you the confidence to embrace your life stage by teaching you how to biblically respond to the challenges of parenting older kids. Our focus this year will be “Finding Freedom from What Culture is Teaching Moms.” To complement this study, you will have extended time around your table to explore the lesson in depth and really connect with the women in your small group. Of course we will have lots of fun extras like breakfasts, mornings out, guest speakers, crafts, and door prizes. Led by Beth Hilbert.
"Israel's Mission" Bible Study
God gave an assignment to His people thousands of years ago: Bring “lost sheep” back into the love and safety of His kingdom. It’s still our task today. In this 13th volume of “That the World May Know,” you’ll glimpse the urgency and rewards of welcoming the strangers and prodigals the Lord longs to embrace. Discover the mission that can give your life – and the lives of those around you – greater meaning than you ever imagined. All women are welcome to attend. This study combines video and large group teaching with small group discussion. Led by Normi Howard and Val Bergia.
“The Patriarchs" Bible Study
“The Patriarchs,” a Bible study by Beth Moore Discover God's pursuit of a relationship with man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds. Explore concepts such as blessing, covenant, and promise, and the bearing each has on a New Testament believer’s life today. Group members will also study the Hebrew names of God introduced on the early pages of Scripture. Plunge into the heart of Genesis, to God’s remarkable pursuit of relationship and to the unfolding of His earthly plan: that through one nation—and ultimately, one man—all people on earth will be blessed. Many of the most profound and enduring concepts in the whole counsel of God’s Word are initiated in this marvelous book of beginnings. This study runs from September through May and offers large group teaching with a small group component. Led by Shannon Henry and Jennifer Reay.
Quilting & More
Quilting & More is a close “knit” group of ladies of all ages who meet for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer. Each morning we have a devotion and time of sharing show-and-tell projects followed by a project demonstration or work day. While quilting is the focus, there are ladies who knit, crochet, and craft. We find joy in doing community projects, taking field trips, and a yearly retreat to Shipshewana, Indiana. All are welcome! Led by Pat Ivaska.
Side by Side
A ministry to women who are married to medical and dental students, residents, fellows, as well as staff physicians and dentists. We are a non-denominational, Bible-based ministry that is evangelical in nature. We seek to encourage, support, and minister to women in medical marriages through fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Led by Julie Hendricker.
Register for Common Ground Groups