Inside Service Signup

We are excited to be back worshiping in person for both our 8:30 and 11:00 services on Sunday morning. Help us work together to keep everyone safe while still being able to worship our sovereign Lord. Please make sure you understand the guidelines listed below.


Signups are necessary for the Good Friday service (4/2/21 @ 7:00pm) and inside Easter services (4/4/21 @ 8:00 & 11:00). No signups required for the outdoor Easter service at 9:30. Beginning Sunday, April 11, no signups are required. Increased capacity in the sanctuary will allow for seating in every row.


When you enter the worship center, our ushers will help you find seats for you and your family. We are currently seating every other row with 3 seats in between family groups and individuals. This allows for the recommended distance when participating in congregational singing. If you’d like to sit in the gym during the 11:00 service, just let the ushers know.


To help avoid the risk of exposure, we are currently not passing the offering plates or connection cards, or providing bulletins for the service. Offerings can be made online and via the church app. There are also baskets at the exits where you can give your offering. Please let us know you’re here by checking in on the app or the website.


Individuals are required to wear masks during the worship service—i.e. for entry, egress, interactions, singing, and sermon. We understand that there are many differing opinions on the effectiveness of masks. Out of deference to others, please wear them when asked.


There are hand sanitizer dispensers located throughout the building. Please use as needed.


Restrooms are open and available, but please be aware of social distancing. Water fountains have been turned off and the Cafe will be closed. This is to limit touch points.


When the service is over, we will not be releasing by rows, as we know some may wish to have some “socially distanced fellowship” time in the sanctuary. Remember your masks when doing this. When leaving the worship center, please be mindful of social distancing. We don’t want the atrium to become too crowded, so you may also wish to speak to others outdoors.

Thank you for working together as the body of Christ to help us make our worship services as safe as possible during this time. We are glad to be back in the house of the Lord.